“Happier Trails” As Home Exchange Listings Increase

HomeExchange.com is the #1 home exchange network in the world. But, the entire home exchange industry is in its infancy. These are the days of pioneers. The first wagons have only recently started to cross the Missouri into the wild frontier.  It’s like we are living back in the days when cities in western USA…

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Alban Institute and Home Exchange

For 40 years, Alban Institute was an amazing ecclesiastical institution serving congregations and their leaders. In 2014, this organization founded by the Rev. Loren Mead in 1974, entered into an agreement with Duke Divinity School to transfer it’s intellectual properties to Duke. As a result of this agreement, Duke Divinity maintains an archive of the…

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Getting Your Home Ready For A Home Swap

It’s not so hard to get your home ready for a home swap.  Chances are, you know how to keep your home, flat, condo (or whatever is home to you) clean.  Or, at the very least, how to clean it up when guests are coming to visit.  That’s the general idea, when you prepare for…

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